Fellows Program
Purpose: The purpose of the USSEE Fellows award is to give the highest recognition to members making an enduring contribution over their career to Ecological Economics. Up to two awards may be given annually. The recipient(s) will be named a “Fellow of the US Society for Ecological Economics.”
Criteria for Selection: Awardees will have demonstrated a significant contribution to the advancement of the field of Ecological Economics. A candidate must be living at the time of nomination; current membership in ISEE is required, and candidates should have been a member of ISEE for at least 10 years, not necessarily consecutively.
Nomination Process: Any member (or group of members) of USSEE including members of the USSEE Board, except for the President, President-elect, or Immediate Past President, may nominate a candidate for Fellow. A nomination packet should include a CV of the nominee and no more than a two-page nomination letter. Additional letters of support are welcome but not necessary. Nomination letters should outline contributions the individual has made to warrant the award. Potential contributions include advances to the knowledge base in Ecological Economics, a record of policy-advising activity, a record of mentorship and cultivation of new people to the field of Ecological Economics, and service to the USSEE community.
Selection Process: Nomination packages are to be submitted via email to usseeboard@gmail.com by March 15 each calendar year to be considered for the following year’s award. Receipt of nomination packages will be confirmed via email. The President will distribute copies to each of the Board members who will collectively select newly appointed Fellows from the set of nominations.
Awards Ceremony: The USSEE Fellows awards ceremony takes place at the biennial USSEE conference. Newly elected fellows will be honored at the Awards Program at the conference.
Please visit our Fellows Page to learn who has already been honored for their years of dedication and service to ecological economics and to the USSEE.