Mini Grant Program
USSEE Mini Grant Program Request for Proposals
The US Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE) is a national chapter of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE). USSEE plays a key role in setting the applied and theoretical research agenda for ecological economics in the United States, and in communicating the development of effective economic, social, and environmental policies. In engaging both academics and practitioners as its members, the USSEE is committed to ongoing research and analysis as well as identifying policy tools and practical solutions that can be implemented at the national, state and community level.
Mini Grant Program Goals
Consistent with its mission, the USSEE has established a mini grant program to advance dialogue and the generation of knowledge across different disciplines, backgrounds and professional contexts to address pressing social and ecological problems. The Society is particularly interested in advancing work that seeks to identify concrete solutions and actions to bring about a more just and sustainable future.
Funding Parameters
Grants of up to $3,000 are available for projects that further scholarly investigation in, and/or public knowledge or understanding of, the field of ecological economics.
To be eligible for funding, a project must conform to IRS guidelines for 501(c)3 organizations, namely, “it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities, and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates”.
At least one member of the proposing group must commit to sharing the results of their project work, whether preliminary or final, with colleagues at the 2026 USSEE biennial conference.
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
Project groups must consist of at least 2 members who do not share an affiliation with the same academic department at the same institution. Participation by students (undergraduate and graduate) and/or practitioners is encouraged as long as one member of the team holds a current affiliation (Ph.D., post-doc, or faculty) with an accredited institution of higher education.
USSEE board members are eligible for funding, but must recuse themselves from the review committee and any voting on the project.
Proposals from all groups meeting the above requirements will be given full consideration. All else equal, preference will be given to proposals from groups with team members that:
- Represent multiple, distinct institutions
- Represent multiple academic disciplines
- Represent historically black colleges or universities (HBCU), tribal colleges, or primarily undergraduate institutions (PUI)
- Hold current membership in USSEE
Proposals will be evaluated primarily according to:
- The project’s potential to contribute to knowledge in/of the field of ecological economics
- The likelihood of success, in consideration of members’ expertise, track record of accomplishments, and total project funding
- The value added of USSEE funding
Submission Requirements
A complete submission will include:
- A proposal document with the following information
- Names, affiliations, contact information, and current USSEE membership status of all project team members
- A project rationale and description, including an explanation of the nature of the collaborative work involved as well as the roles of each team member
- An explanation of how the award of mini grant funds will improve or accelerate the work of the project, and disclosure of any other sources of funding
- A projected budget demonstrating how requested funds will be spent
- A current CV for each listed member of the project team
Proposal materials should be submitted as pdf attachments in an email sent to Please include “mini grant proposal submission” in the subject line. All submissions received from eligible groups by April 1, 2025 will receive full consideration. Awardees will be notified by June 1, 2025.