Online Teaching Resources
As many in academia shifted to an online course format during the COVID-19 pandemic, USSEE worked to curate a list of ecological economics resources, including recorded videos, that may be useful in the virtual classroom setting. We will continue to update this page as more resources are developed. Please email if you have materials you would like to be shared on this page.
USSEE YouTube Channel:
The USSEE regularly hosts events online and posts them to our YouTube Channel. We hope you will peruse our catalog of conversations and join us for future Webinars, Book Clubs, Fellows Inductions, and more.
Doughnut Economics Video Series:
Kate Raworth’s Doughnut economics channel has a series of short videos introducing each of the concepts from her book about “thinking like a 21st century economist”
Elinor Ostrom and the Commons Video Series:
Erik Nordman, Associate Professor of Natural Resources Management at Grand Valley State University has created a series of videos, each about 15 minutes long, and two case studies on common pool resources and the work of Elinor Ostrom. The videos described below are at the top of the linked page under the heading Sustaining the Commons:
Part 1: Tragedy of the Commons – brief overview of Hardin’s essay and the conventional wisdom on commons
Part 2: Concepts of the Commons – prisoner’s dilemma, rival / exclusive framework
Part 3: Governing a Commons – introduces Ostrom’s work and the eight design principles
Part 4: A Nobel Prize – for advanced / supplemental work, briefly describes her contribution to institutional economics and being the first woman to win the Nobel in economics (probably more for econ majors than environmental majors)
Case study: Los Angeles groundwater – describes Ostrom’s grad work (and later work) on how the West Basin communities worked together to sustain their groundwater resource
Case study: Maine’s “lobster gangs” – Another example of how resource users manage a commons, drawn from Ostrom’s collaborator Jim Acheson’s work.
Ecological Economics for All Video Series:
Partner organization Ecological Economics for All offers a series of educational videos and interviews with prominent thinkers.
Online Economics Games:
The project is led by Nicolas Gruyer and Nicolas Toublanc. This set of games has both single player, and multi-player options to cover concepts taught in natural resource economics courses including externalities and public goods
The website also has games specific to teaching energy economics, and environmental economic with carbon permit markets
Columbia University Earth Institute’s “Sustain What’ Video Series:
SUSTAIN WHAT is a global online conversation identifying solutions to the complicated, shape-shifting and epic challenges of humanity’s Anthropocene moment – including cutting risks of global pandemics and climate change. A prime focus is making the most of the online information environment — the one Earth System changing faster than the actual environment.
For the time being, these sessions will be focused on mitigating the unfolding societal disruption and devastation driven by the global spread of Coronavirus Disease 19, best known today as COVID-19. But we will dip into other subjects and solutions when the time is right. The goal is to shape more resilient, safer institutions, communities and households in the years ahead.
The conversation includes you! It’s led by Andy @Revkin of Columbia University’s Earth Institute Initiative on Communication and Sustainability: