Non-market ecosystem services post-doc
Hiring a 2-year post-doc in non-market valuation of ecosystem services located in Honolulu, HI.
The post-doc will join an interdisciplinary team of ecological modelers, oceanographers, social scientists and economists on a NOAA Ocean Acidification Program-funded project assessing vulnerability of Hawaiiʻs people to future ocean acidification impacts.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD (ABD will be considered) in environmental economics, background in modeling and non-market valuation of ecosystem services, knowledge of vulnerability/resiliency theory, good data management skills, solid writing and oral communication skills, and ability to work well with others.
UH Manoa is located on the island of Oahu, in Honolulu, in the verdant valley of Manoa. Oahuʻs mountains and shores offer infinite opportunities to hike, surf, and snorkel. Honolulu is a cosmopolitan city, with museums, live music, thriving native Hawaiian culture, and good food. The Oleson Lab is diverse and interdisciplinary, ranging from undergrads to visiting senior scholars. We strive to be inclusive and welcoming of multiple worldviews and life paths. We conduct applied research related to natureʻs value in order to make better decisions.
Applicants can see the full advertisement at, and should apply through, UHʻs HireNet: