Assistant Professor of Teaching, School of Public Policy, UC Riverside
The UCR School of Public Policy invites applications for up to two Assistant Professor of Teaching positions. These positions are equivalent in level to other Assistant Professor positions, but with emphasis placed on excellence in teaching and teaching-related activities. Professors of Teaching are expected to provide outstanding teaching, as well as demonstrate a commitment to high quality scholarly professional activity (such as research on pedagogy and/or public policy) and service related to the pedagogical mission of the school and university.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in one of the following disciplines: public policy, economics, political science, sociology, geography, or a related discipline, by the start of the appointment. We are particularly interested in candidates with a proven record of teaching excellence. Applicants are expected to demonstrate a commitment to high-quality and innovative teaching, preferably via prior teaching experience, in public policy-related courses at the introductory and advanced undergraduate levels, and at the graduate level (particularly with respect to master level courses). While all competitive candidates are expected to be able to teach courses with attention to and knowledge of data science and quantitative methods, the particular topics and their disciplinary focus can be broad and can include, but not be limited to, criminal justice policy, environmental policy, education policy, health policy, housing policy, immigration policy, and inequality and poverty. To ensure full consideration, applications and supporting materials should be received by March 28, 2023. Review of applicants will continue until the position is filled. The appointment will commence on July 1, 2023. The posted UC salary scales set the minimum pay determined by rank and/or step at appointment. See Table 1-L for the salary range. “Off-scale salaries” and other components of pay, i.e., a salary that is higher than the published system-wide salary at the designated rank and step, are offered when necessary to meet competitive conditions.
Assistant Professor of Teaching is a member of the academic senate and will be expected to teach six classes across three quarters per year with courses that span core and elective undergraduate classes as well as core and elective masters level courses, and to be engaged in significant service or program development and other scholarly activities.
The Assistant Professor of Teaching is a full-time position with the rights and responsibilities of membership in the Academic Senate and has the official title of “Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment” (LPSOE). Appointees are appointed for two-year terms and eligible for promotion to Associate Professor of Teaching i.e., “Lecturer with Security of Employment” (LSOE), which is analogous to tenure. Appointees must be granted “Security of Employment” by the end of the eighth year of service for continued employment. Teaching, scholarly professional achievement, and activities (as described below), and university and public service constitute the criteria for advancement. Appointees to this title must also demonstrate intellectual leadership, as documented by materials demonstrating that the candidate has made outstanding and recognized contributions to the field of pedagogy and/or public policy, through publications (either in traditional forms or in electronic format), program creation or development, or other professional activities. For more on the nature of the position see UCR Guidelines for Professor of Teaching Series.
Applicants will be required to submit a cover letter, a CV, a teaching statement, evidence of teaching excellence, statement of past and/or planned future contributions to advancing diversity and inclusive excellence, and three letters of reference that are uploaded through the AP Recruit System. Samples of research work are welcome but not required. All materials must be uploaded using UCR’s on-line application system https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/JPF01697.
UCR is a world-class research university with an exceptionally diverse undergraduate student body. Its mission is explicitly linked to providing routes to educational success for underrepresented and first-generation college students. A commitment to this mission is required.
The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified candidates will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
For more information about the position, please contact the search committee chair, Professor Ariel Dinar, UCR School of Public Policy, at adinar@ucr.edu.