Assoc Prof Ag Economics
Penn State University faculty position in environment, food, and/or health economics:
This is a nine‐month, tenure‐track position in agricultural economics at the Assistant or Associate Professor level with a 60% research and 40% teaching responsibility. The successful applicant will be expected to develop a nationally and internationally recognized research program focused on behavioral economics as applied to food, health and/or the environment. Pertinent research topics may include the development and application of behavioral economics to food choices, health and environmental issues; food, nutrition and environmental policies and programs, decision making by food companies and agribusinesses, and related areas. The successful candidate will be expected to secure external funding. Teaching expectations will be three courses per year in the Agribusiness Management (AGBM) undergraduate major and Energy, Environmental, and Food Economics (EEFE) graduate program. The successful candidate is expected to mentor graduate students.