Doctoral Research Assistant
Drs. Chris Serenari and Xiangping Liu are seeking applicants for a doctoral research assistant (DRA). The position will be housed at Department of Biology (http://www.bio.txstate.edu) at Texas State University – San Marcos. Preference will be given to those with a solid background in agricultural, natural resource, environmental economics, decision modeling, or quantitative political science and have experience or strong interest in econometrics and game theory and preferably a track record of peer-review publication in this area. The DRA will work closely with Drs. Serenari and Liu on a project supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in collaboration with Dr. Tori Donovan (U. Florida) modeling how Conservation Reserve Program enrollees make decisions about fire management.
We seek a DRA to join this new project in January 2025. The DRA will:
- Conduct a systematic literature review
- Co-produce and -lead survey design, testing and administration, data analysis, results dissemination
- Demonstrate excellent attention to detail and organization skills
- Works well independently and as part of a team
The student will pursue a doctoral degree in Aquatic Resources and Integrative Biology (https://www.gradcollege.txst.edu/programs/aquatic-resources- phd.html) at Texas State University and be part of the Serenari Lab, co-advised by Dr. Liu. Funding is available to support an outstanding student on a 48-month appointment, contingent on satisfactory performance, providing a competitive stipend, tuition remission, generous coverage of health insurance premiums, and professional development opportunities.
To apply: In a single PDF, send a 1) current CV, 2) cover letter highlighting qualifications to conduct research in the natural resource economics, decision sciences, or quantitative political science, 3) at least one recent journal publication, and 4) contact information for at least three references to Dr. Serenari via email (c_s754@txstate.edu). Type “USDA DRA” in subject of your email. Review of applications will start October 21, 2024 until the position is filled.