Assistant Professor of Environmental Justice & Policy
Assistant Professor of Environmental Justice and Policy
College of Earth, Ocean & Environment
University of Delaware
The University of Delaware (UD) invites applications for a full-time, instruction-focused faculty position within the School of Marine Science and Policy (SMSP) at its Newark campus. This 9-month Continuing Track position will be filled at the Assistant Professor level with an anticipated start date of August 2024. SMSP offers a Bachelor of Science and a Minor in Marine Science, a Professional Master’s degree in Environmental Science and Management, Master of Marine Policy, Master of Science and PhD degrees in Environmental Economics and Marine Studies, and a PhD in Oceanography.
We seek an exceptional individual with expertise in environmental justice and policy (broadly defined, but can include environmental inequality/inequity, energy justice, indigenous justice, and climate justice) who: a) has a passion for undergraduate and graduate teaching, b) has the ability to develop courses in Environmental Justice, Environmental Social Sciences, and Environmental and Marine policy, and teach an undergraduate marine environmental issue capstone course, c) demonstrates a commitment to incorporating innovative evidence-based methods into the classroom, and d) has a plan for successfully teaching students from diverse backgrounds and with diverse learning styles.
The successful candidate will teach as assigned by the School Director (typically 3 courses in each of the Fall and Spring semesters) and may elect to teach over Winter and Summer sessions on a supplemental contract; pursue professional development opportunities and incorporate evidence-based teaching methods into their courses; and will participate in recruiting, mentoring and advising students. In addition, it is expected that 25% of the workload will be dedicated to contributing to the School’s service mission and/or undertaking scholarly or creative activity. Responsibilities will include teaching and teaching-related tasks; student mentorship; continued professional development, particularly relating to instruction and pedagogy; program development; and participation in university/external service.
Continuing Track
The Continuing Track (CT) is UD’s full-time, non-tenure track faculty line. Although CT faculty are not eligible for tenure, the position is not intended to be temporary. Rather, it allows for a flexible workload, and CT faculty enjoy contracts that increase in length over time, as well as many of the same benefits as tenure-track and tenured faculty, such as identical titles, a parallel promotion track, sabbaticals, and shared faculty governance. CT faculty receive full and generous benefits, including family-friendly benefits, as part of their compensation package, and can negotiate workload with department chairs with subsequent contracts. More information about the University’s Continuing Track faculty rank can be found at: https://sites.udel.edu/ctcaucus/why-do-you-want-to-be-a-ct-faculty-at-ud/. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications.
Applicants should have a PhD degree in a social science or related interdisciplinary field prior to the position start date and strong teaching skills in qualitative/quantitative social sciences. Prior teaching experience, including as a teaching assistant, is required by the time of application, and must be well documented in application materials. Applicants should also address their experience with course development, use of evidence-based teaching approaches, recruitment and mentorship of students, and strategies to interact with diverse groups and learners. Positive factors for consideration also include the ability to relate EJ-relevant quantitative and/or qualitative research methods to the classroom; justice- and/or community-engaged research; some background in the natural sciences (especially related to environmental justice or marine/coastal issues); contributions to DEI; and community engagement.
Application Process
Applicants should upload a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, evidence of teaching effectiveness (including formal teaching evaluations and peer teaching evaluations), sample syllabi for up to two courses, and separate “Teaching Interests, Experience & Philosophy Statement” and “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement,” using the University of Delaware online application system at http://www.udel.edu/udjobs. The information submitted will be shared with SMSP and affiliated faculty. Inquiries regarding this position may be addressed to the Search Chair, Professor Jeremy Firestone (jf@udel.edu). Review of applications will begin on November 30, 2023, and continue until the position is filled.
Equal Employment Opportunity
The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer with diversity as one of its core values. In that spirit, we seek a broad range of candidates, including women, people of color, indigenous people, and people with disabilities. The University is the recipient of a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Grant focused on enhancing the climate of the University for women STEM faculty. For more information go to http://sites.udel.edu/advance/. The University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination can be found at http://www.udel.edu/aboutus/legalnotices.html.